Anderson Jewelry

At anderson s you can make money by selling your old broken or unwanted jewelry pieces.
Anderson jewelry. We are also fulfilling online sales instagram email phone orders. About tom sefakis new owner as of 2018 has been a jeweler for over 20 years. In january 1985 the moorpark store was started by dave and his mom norma in what was the newest center in town. It is family owned and operated and dave anderson provides a level of service you wont find anywhere else.
Today three generations later the anderson family proudly carries on the respected family legacy that was started so many years ago. In 1981 he brought his family to the simi valley area from northridge and purchased anderson jewelers from its founder hal anderson. We purchase complete estates to single pieces. At anderson jewelers you can bring in your most precious jewelry and watches for repairs and you will get quality work with a guarantee.
Anderson jewelers was founded by owners red and bobbie anderson in 1943. 484 los angeles avenue 102 moorpark ca 93021 805 529 5844. From contemporary estate jewelry to antique and deco sets to retro modern you will find it here. He stopped in to markus jewelers to inquire about purchasing a bench.
The store offers friendly service competitive prices and expert service on all jewelery and watches p. However after a phone call and a meeting it was decided that tom would purchase the entire business in order to continue to serve the neighborhood of anderson a neighborhood that he calls home. If you re looking for quality and value our estate collection offers you hundreds of options. Anderson jewelers had been a part of the moorpark community for as long as i can remember.
Follow us on instagram to see the latest pieces added to our collection. In 1969 he opened lynne s jewelers in sun valley. We are offering curbside pick up and shipping. Anderson jewelers provides the taylorville illinois community with fine jewelry and exceptional service at affordable prices.

Anderson jewelers provides the taylorville illinois community with fine jewelry and exceptional service at affordable prices.
Anderson jewelry. We are also fulfilling online sales instagram email phone orders. About tom sefakis new owner as of 2018 has been a jeweler for over 20 years. In january 1985 the moorpark store was started by dave and his mom norma in what was the newest center in town. It is family owned and operated and dave anderson provides a level of service you wont find anywhere else.
Today three generations later the anderson family proudly carries on the respected family legacy that was started so many years ago. In 1981 he brought his family to the simi valley area from northridge and purchased anderson jewelers from its founder hal anderson. We purchase complete estates to single pieces. At anderson jewelers you can bring in your most precious jewelry and watches for repairs and you will get quality work with a guarantee.
Anderson jewelers was founded by owners red and bobbie anderson in 1943. 484 los angeles avenue 102 moorpark ca 93021 805 529 5844. From contemporary estate jewelry to antique and deco sets to retro modern you will find it here. He stopped in to markus jewelers to inquire about purchasing a bench.
The store offers friendly service competitive prices and expert service on all jewelery and watches p. However after a phone call and a meeting it was decided that tom would purchase the entire business in order to continue to serve the neighborhood of anderson a neighborhood that he calls home. If you re looking for quality and value our estate collection offers you hundreds of options. Anderson jewelers had been a part of the moorpark community for as long as i can remember.
Follow us on instagram to see the latest pieces added to our collection. In 1969 he opened lynne s jewelers in sun valley. We are offering curbside pick up and shipping.